Nashville Summers Read online

Page 4

  "Seeya later Nash," he said, and then gave me another sad, slight grin. "Dad always said I was gonna blow myself up one day.” With that he closed the closet door. I heard it the lock click.

  I leaned out the window again, grabbing Andrew’s hand with my right, and tossing the axe on the roof with my left. Andrew was stronger than I would have thought, and it didn't take the two of us long to get my squirming self onto the roof. It had been a while since Bogo and I had done that and I was a little out of practice, and a lot nostalgic. It made me remember days gone by, the first time we had climbed up there, awkward and clumsy, until after doing it every night we had gotten it down to an art. For Andrew’s sake I forced myself not to show how terrible I felt about running out on my friend.

  Together, Andrew and I found the ladder, and brought it over to the edge of the roof, ready to drop as soon as we felt safe enough. It must have been almost noon by now, and the fog had begun to lift. I gazed out over the army of darkness below; the numbers were dropping as more and more entered the house. Suddenly I noticed something that turned my sadness into apprehension; among the invading dead was Victoria. Andrew’s sister was helping to attack my friend's house... shit! What if he got scared? Zombies held grudges, I knew. They'd go out of their way to kill the friends and family of the person they had been in life, and I couldn't let that happen.

  "Andrew...” I began, turning to my lover. "Let me go down the ladder first. I've got the axe, I'll start to clear a path then we can take off." He nodded in agreement. "We can meet up at the end of the driveway, you hear me? If for any reason we get split up, go to where the road and the driveway meet and hide, and I'll meet you there."

  Again he nodded, glancing up at me. Our eyes met, as Andrew opened his lips. I leaned forward, my lips meeting his in a passionate, loving kiss.

  We stayed in the kiss for as long as we dared, then together we glanced downwards. Only a handful of ferals - five I counted, and Andrew’s sister - remained outside. "Okay," I gasped. "Let's go... now!"

  We threw down the rope ladder and I slid down faster than ever before, ready for a brief fight followed by a swift escape when I reached the bottom. With my feet once again firmly planted on the ground I took a battling stance and swung my axe in a wide arc, dropping three of the remaining zombies immediately. The rest hissed in anger and surprise, and Victoria screamed in anger. "You!” it bloodcurdlingly screamed, its voice full of hate it knew it could do nothing about. I was the one with the axe.

  Nearly as fast as I had, Andrew followed me down. Once he reached earth I placed myself in between him and his sister, in case she wanted some undead vengeance. "Go! Now!" I yelled at him, and he took off down the driveway as fast as his feet would allow. I glanced back in Victoria's direction, smacking another zombie for good measure in the process. "Well, you shit-eating grave-dodging brain chewer, looks like we escape again. Goodbye, biznich! " I turned to run away after Andrew, but when I did my foot caught under the corpse of the last zombie to die and I tripped, falling to the ground and landing right on my face. My axe went flying.

  "How clumsy are the living! “Victoria shrieked with delight, drawing closer to me. "Arrogant human! Let's see you gloat after I bite out your esophagus! “With another undead yell it leaped upon me, raking its nails - no, claws - over my bare chest and back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the fifth feral, the last man standing, bend over and grab my axe. He was an ugly one. In life he'd obviously been quite fat, with long hair that had since turned white reaching down below his shoulders. But now he was an it, and the decomposition had reduced his mountainous girth considerably. Zombies had an excellent diet plan; brains were very low on calories.

  With all the strength I could muster, I wrapped my hands around Victoria's cold, undead throat and squeezed, pushing her away. She shifted her weight a little, and I took the advantage, throwing her off of me. But she held fast, and we ended up in the same position again, only with myself on top. I liked to think of myself as being used to the smell of the dead, but wrestling with a zombie was something to change my mind. It took all my strength not to hurl all over her.

  As we remained tangled in our struggle the last feral drew closer. Sure, it might be half decomposed, but it knew what an axe was, and it knew how to use one. It drew nearer to our entanglement, and finally it loomed over the two of us, slowly raising the axe with every last ounce of unrotten muscle it had left. Shit! If I didn't act quickly I'd have a splitting headache soon. With a burst of sudden strength I rolled myself to the right, flipping the two of us over again, leaving Victoria once again on top.

  It was too late for the fat feral man to stop the axe's decent, and it struck Victoria square on the back. It screamed and let go of me, grasping with its hands, trying to remove the axe. Yes! I thought victoriously... it had hit the spine, part of the nervous system. I threw the screaming she-beast off of me, arising once again to my feet, and ripped the axe from its back. Realizing in its feeble, worm-eaten mind that it had fucked up, and fucked up bad, the feral started towards me to finish what it had started. But it was too late now... I was once again the guy with the weapon. "Allow me to 'axe' you a few questions," I yelled at it, glad there was no one around who was alive to hear my corniness. I swung. BAM! It connected, and the top six inches of the zombie's head disappeared.

  "Just a little off the top, you said?” I asked the motionless corpse, feeling rather pleased with myself, until I realized I should be running away. I had a date to keep. Andrew! I thought silently. I'm coming for you! I began to quickly run down the driveway to the spot we had agreed upon to meet.

  I was only halfway down the driveway when I saw them. There was a second undead army heading straight towards me, stretching on as far as I could see, past the end of the driveway, all the way into the street. Into the street? Where had Andrew gone? The evil dead were marching over our meeting place; where could he have turned to? I stopped, dead in my tracks, panting and sweating. "Shit!” I yelled at the zombies marching towards me. I turned to run in the other direction, only to see Victoria running towards me. The brain! I remembered, wanting to kick my own ass. The spinal cord wasn't enough, I had to kill the brain. "You dumbass!” I screamed at myself. Being caught between my nemesis and the raging hordes, I turned into the woods and fled.

  Fuck! Could things get any worse? I asked myself, running through pricker bushes and underbrush, cutting myself up pretty bad in the process, while Victoria gave chase. But I had the advantage here. I was used to this, I knew the terrain. Bogo and I had played many a war game here, doing just what I was doing now - but on a much, much smaller scale - and soon I was able to lose the zombie behind me. By the time I emerged from the forest and into the main road I was half a mile away, with the zombies far behind me. The ferals, Victoria, the entire army... I was away from all that now, and I collapsed, right there in the street, to rest my weary, plant-torn body.

  Panting profusely, I was close to desperation. Andrew was lost, Bogo was dead, Victoria was hunting me down, and the ferals had somehow organized themselves together, which was what I had feared since day one. I needed to find hope, anything, any small thought that might drive me on.

  Bogo, maybe he had escaped after all. Yeah! The zombies wanted me now, not some cripple; it was me, I was the one who had killed so many of them, I was the thorn in their side, the bane of the undead. I jumped to my feet, filled with enthusiasm. I was Nashville Summers, Zombie Smacker! They were so scared that they'd abandon their house invasion, and their pursuit of Andrew, just to come after me! And when they did, I would let them have it! Yeah, I'd taken 'em all on, I'd slaughter the whole bunch, I'd...

  My thoughts were shattered by a sickening sound. In the distance I heard a noise I had heard many times before, but never so loud. It was an explosion, the kind made by the type of fireworks me and Bogo had liked to set off in the woods. The sound was tremendous, and I knew that Bogo had set off his whole stash. The fact that he also killed a fuckton of zombies was no c

  They had won, they had gotten to him, and next they would find Andrew, and then they would find me. And they would kill me. I was no longer Nashville Summers, Zombie Smacker, I was just Nash, the pathetic loser who couldn't even save his best friend or his lover. The zombies would win. There was nothing I could do.

  Chapter 7

  “Wow, that was loud,” I heard in the distance. I wheeled around towards the source of the noise. It was Andrew! Somehow he had made it through all the zombies. I ran towards him and pulled him into my arms. His face came towards mine, as our lips met in the best kiss I had ever experienced. I was so happy to know he was okay. We continued kissing for what felt like forever, until he finally pulled away.

  “I’m so happy you’re okay,” I told him. “I’m just happy I found you,” he replied. “So what do you want to do now?” “We should probably find a place to sleep and hide from the zombie horde,” I replied. He nodded in agreement, and so we started down the road. After walking for a while, we came across some houses that looked nice enough. We walked towards the first one, and luckily it was unlocked. I slowly opened the door with my axe raised high in anticipation of any zombies that wanted to surprise us. But when we stepped inside we saw that this house looked relatively normal. There wasn’t blood everywhere, and most things remained intact. This was a welcome change.

  We searched the whole house, but thankfully, it was empty. For once, we had nothing to worry about. Our luck seemed to be changing. We headed towards the kitchen, and searched for some food. It had been a while since we both ate, so we were both very hungry. There was a box of pop tarts in the cupboard, and they were quickly devoured.

  After we ate, we decided it was time to find a bed and go to sleep for the night. We headed up the stairs, and into one of the bedrooms. When we entered, I grabbed Andrew and pulled him into me. I opened my lips as they made contact with his in a wet kiss. Our warm bodies rubbing against each other made my cock grow hard, and I could feel it was having the same effect on Andrew. He reached down to take my jeans, and I did the same. My dick sprang out started rubbing against his.

  I pushed him onto the bed and laid on top of him, our mouths never losing contact. I finally broke the kiss, as I moved my lips to his neck, down to his nipples, across his stomach, and then down to his cock, just as he had done earlier. I licked at his head, which made him moan softly. I started licking his dick up and down, then went down to his balls. I finally opened my mouth, and let his cock slide in. He moaned at the feeling of my warm mouth enveloping his cock.

  He started thrusting in and out of my mouth, with precum leaking into my throat. After a while, I took my mouth off and came back up to kiss him. I was straddling him with my ass placed right over his cock. He grabbed my two cheeks and gave them a squeeze. I gripped his wet cock and started massaging it against my hole, while slowly pushing back. With one final push it slid in. We both let out moans as he started to thrust in and out.

  He started to pick up speed. It felt incredible, his long cock plunging inside of me. He was going even faster, and I couldn’t take it much longer. It felt incredible. I shot my warm cum all over his muscular body with the most intense orgasm I ever felt. My hole tightened around his cock, which was enough to send him over the edge too. With one final thrust he exploded inside me and coated my interiors with his warm juice. I collapsed down on top of him as our lips met once more. Andrew finally pulled his softening cock out of me, as cum dripped down my leg. We continued to lay there, feeling like there was nothing else in the world that mattered.

  “I’m so sorry, I’m never going to let anything like that happen again. You deserve better than that, and I’m so lucky that you found me again,” I told him. “Nash, it’s okay. It’syou’re your fault. We’re together now and that’s all that matters. Not what happened, not the zombies, none of that. Just you. As long as I’m with you I’m happy.” I brought my lips to his in reply. We were safe in this house for now, and as I held him, I knew for certain that everything would be okay. Together, we would make it through this.